Make A Political Ad

How To Make An Animated Political Ad

If you want to use animation to make a political ad, Video Igniter’s FAQ teaches everything you need to know about making and using animated political ads to educate people about new ballot initiatives, legislation and political issues.

Make A Political Ad

Examples of Animated Political Videos & Ads

Video Igniter can create any kind of 2D or 3D animated political ad for you. Check out our animation portfolio here. Request access to our demo reels and price sheet here. Contact us or to start making your video.

This video uses animation to explain the new propositions on California’s 2022 election ballot to help voters understand what they’re voting for or against.

This animated ad explains a new mail in voting system and highlights the benefits of the new system.

Are you looking for an example of a different style of animated political ad? Send us a message to let us know what kind of animation example you want to see and we will follow up with relevant production samples.

The Role of Animation In Political Campaigns And Advocacy

First, let’s take a look at the role animation plays in political campaigns and advocacy. How and why is animation used to communicate messages? What benefits does animation bring to political ads that traditional ‘talking head’ videos lack?

Help people understand new bills & legislation

Political issues are hard enough to understand without both sides of the political aisle trying to sway your understanding of a new piece of legislation.  Animation makes it easier for people to understand new topics and information. By creating short animated educational videos that explain new policies, you make it easier for for voters to understand and appreciate both sides of a policy.

Makes it easy to share the message

Animated videos make it easy to share and syndicate your message.  A growing number of states mail out pamphlets that explain what policies and candidates are up for election. The problem with these ballots is:

1). They’re expensive to print and mail

2). They arrive shortly before elections, giving people little time to fully process the information.

Share A Political Ad

Making animated political ads or political explainer videos and sending them out long before election day gives people time to take in the message, process it and discuss it with other people. By making the message easy to share and getting it out in the world before election day, voters have more time to educate themselves on each topic and form a stronger understanding of what they’re actually voting for.

Makes it easy to remember what an initiative is about

Turning a message into an animated, visual story not only makes it easier for people to understand new information, it also helps them retain the information longer. This is very important if you want educated voters to remember what ballot initiatives are about or what a political candidate stands for. By turning an initiative into a story, it makes it easier for people to retell and discuss the initiative in social situations which makes the message spread further.

remember a political ad

Not a boring talking head video

If you want people to stop watching your video quickly, get a politician to start talking on video. Watching experts talk on screen can get boring quickly. If you add b-roll or add animation to your video, you change up the pacing and give viewers something else to focus on that helps support their learning and understanding.

Overall, this leads to better educated voters.

By helping people understand, remember and communicate what they’ve learned about new political initiatives, campaigns or politicians, you create a better, more informed set of voters to show up on election day.

How to make an animated political video?

So how do you make a political ad or an educational political video to help you advocate a new position? Here, we break down the production process into 7 steps so that you have an appreciation of what’s involved and how to prepare for each step.

Questionnaire or Phone Call

Production starts with a questionnaire or a with your animation producer. The main things they want to learn are:

1). What do you want to communicate in your video?

2). Who is your target audience?

Write the script for your political ad

make a political ad script

Now that we know what you want to communicate in your video, our team will develop the first draft of your script. We’ll send it to you to review and go over how the script communicates your key messages. Send us your feedback and we’ll incorporate your revisions before you approve the script for production.

Make the storyboard for your political ad

make a political ad storyboard

After the script is approved, we develop the storyboard for your video. The storyboard is like the blueprint for your animated political ad. It tells the illustrator what art to create and it tells the animators how to animate the visuals.

make a political ad storyboard diagram

We’ll develop ideas for what visuals to show for each part of your script. The visuals are designed to enhance the presentation of the message to help viewers understand what is being explained and keep their attention focused and engaged. You get an opportunity to review the storyboard and request revisions before approving the storyboard for production.



Our team will audition several voiceover talents for your political ad’s voiceover narration. We’ll select voices that are calm, and easy to understand. You get to listen to the previews and select your favorite option. We’ll get the full voiceover recorded and you’ll get a chance to review it and request revisions before approving it for production.



Some light background music can help keep viewers focused on the message you’re presenting. Relying on a voiceover to fill the silence isn’t enough and can be off putting to viewers. We’ll select a few soundtracks that we can license for your animated video. Let us know which one you prefer and which platforms you plan to run your video ad on and we’ll purchase the proper broadcast license for your soundtrack.


Our team will design some concept art for your animated political ad. You can supply branding and style references to help inform the visual design. Otherwise, our art director will use standard best practices to evaluate the messaging and content of your animation and use that to develop concept art for your animation

make a political ad concept art

Review the concepts and let us know which one(s) you like best. We’ll work with you to refine your preferred visual concept until you love it! Then, we’ll create the remaining illustrations for your political ad and give you an opportunity to review them and request revisions.


make a political ad animation

Now that the voiceover and illustrations are approved, it’s time to animate! It takes about a week to animate a 60 second 2D animated video. When the first draft is ready, give it a detailed review with your constituants and collect everyone’s feedback. Send us your notes so that we can incorporate your revisions and render out the final draft of your animated political ad.

How to pick a producer to make your political ad?

hire a political ad producer

Picking the right animated video production company to help you make your political ad is an important part of the production process. can help you create your custom animated political ad – or you can check out these resources to help you find an animated video producer:

How to promote an animated political ads?

promote a political ad

Whether you’re looking to syndicate your animated video to popular online sites or pay to promote your video ad, our marketing team can help you get the right eyeballs on your video content.

Want to figure out what it will cost to pay to promote your political ad? Reach out to let us know what you want to accomplish and get a quote.

What does it cost to make an animated political ad?

make a political ad cost

Depends on the style and length of your animation. Most 2D animated videos under 60 seconds can be produced for $1,500-$7,500. 3D animated videos cost more and require a custom quote. Click here to get a quote for your animated political ad.

How long does it take to make an animated political ad?

30-60 second animated videos can be produced in 3-5 weeks. Given the pace of political campaigns and messaging, we understand that speed is everything. That’s why we offer rush delivery animation to help speed up important projects that have short deadlines.

make a political ad production timeline

Need to make your political ad quickly? Reach out to let us know your deadline and we’ll develop a rush delivery production schedule and send you a quote.

Can you make animations for government organizations?

Yes! Video Igniter offers animated video production services for government organizations. Visit that page to download our capability statement.

Still have questions about making an animated political ad?

Do you have a question about making a political ad that wasn’t addressed in this FAQ? Use this form to send us your question and we’ll follow up with an answer. We’ll also post the question and answer to this page so other people can benefit from the knowledge.


What is Video Igniter Animation?

Video Igniter Animation is an online animated video production service. By working with our team online, you can get your custom animated video produced faster and for less than hiring a brick and mortar animation studio.

We can help you create any kind of 2D animated video or 3D animation you can imagine. Check out our animated video portfolio!

Watch our explainer video on our home page to learn more about how we can help you create an animated video. For examples of the kinds of animation our team can produce, check out the demo reel below:


Looking For An Animated Video Company In The U.S.?

Video Igniter is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

Get in touch about making a political ad!

Schedule a call to discuss your animated video project.

Get a quote for us to create your animated video.

Request access to our newest price sheet.

Create your Video Igniter account, fill out a creative brief for your video and we’ll begin production as soon as we receive your production deposit.

contact us

Success Stories & Testimonials

“Video Igniter offered us the critical combination of creative value, clear communication, and patience with stakeholder feedback. We ended up with truly high-quality design assets for our video series largely due to the extra level of commitment — and the right balance of efficiencies with flexibility in the process when called for.”

Larry Schlessinger – Sr. Creative Program Manager, Amazon Web Services

“Video Igniter came to us with a number of creative and engaging ideas and were able to create an exciting, impactful video in a short period of time. And the best part was that it cost much less than other options of similar quality. The video they made is a great marketing tool for us.”

Alex Raymond – Founder, Kapta Systems

“I am beyond satisfied with my experience with Video Igniter. The first drafts of the work were almost exactly what I had in my head when developing the concept. After that each step along the way was seamless until arriving at a perfect finished product. And all this at a tremendous value. Anyone who has considered creating a marketing video should check out Video Igniter.”

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